Monday, December 05, 2005

i have a weakness for a powdered donut

i have a weakness for a powdered donut
i have a weakness for dogs and alpha males
and anything relating to my mother
i have a weakness for certain chords played on certain pianos
and certain chord progressions played on certain guitars through certain amps
i have a weakness for icing and drugs
and this outfit i've worn for the last four days

i haven't had much to say lately
which is partly why i don't answer my phone anymore
i would be an empty space on the other end of the line
grunting in acknowledgement

i don't want to post on this
unless i have something worthwhile
to say

so i'm going to post this -
what was
at the time
an ode to RS
an ode to no sleep
an ode to excessive drug use
an ode to what would come after

i succumb to sleep
the way i succumb to you
heavily, whole-heartedly, and with
the deepest breath my body ever drew
i succumb to sleep
the way i succumb to you
willingly, hopeful, and with
the saddest eyes the world ever knew
i succumb to sleep
and i succumb to you
and infinitely
as if this night were the last we'd ever go through


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